Recreation Of Henry Hudson’s Discovery Voyage Sailed Into Gravesend Bay

How did we miss this? According to the ship’s log, the Half Moon arrived in Gravesend Bay in early September. This journey is a recreation of Henry Hudson’s famous journey of discovery in 1609.
Hudson and the men aboard the d’Halve Maen were seeking a northwest passage across the New World and their interactions with the First Nations there ended up helping shape the future of New York. A replica ship, the Half Moon, aimed to recreate the earlier voyage.
This time around, the crew was made up of students from around New York and students from the Netherlands. The students logged historic information, environmental observations and much more in their journals.
Here’s a quick glimpse into their activities, the final leg of the trip ending in Gravesend Bay:
4th Entry, 1923 Hours: The natural harbor of Gravesend Bay is our destination for the night. From here, we can see the shorelines of Staten Island and Brooklyn, the towering lights of the Freedom Tower, and Coney Island’s rides.
With the upcoming Columbus Day parade, it only seems fitting that Hudson’s discovery mission receives some notice as well.