Jamaica Bay Sunset Tour Is For The Birds… And The People Who Love Them

Living here in Sheepshead Bay, one is not necessarily exposed on a regular basis to a diverse plethora of exotic avian wildlife. Although we have pigeons, seagulls, ducks and swans — Lord knows we have swans — and are even graced with the occasional wayward Toucan (at least I think that is what it is), we are by no means a bird watchers’ paradise.
Fret not, budding Ornithologists — the American Littoral Society, Gateway National Park Service, NYC Audubon, and NYC Sierra Club are here to help! From a press release they sent our way:
Announcing a special 3-hour narrated sunset tour of Jamaica Bay aboard the Golden Sunshine. Learn about the history and ecology of the bay and see nesting & migrating hawks, Peregrine Falcons, Oystercatchers, Ospreys, Herons, Egrets, Ibis, shorebirds and waterfowl.
The tour will be led by Don Riepe, Guardian of Jamaica Bay and director of the Northeast Chapter of American Littoral Society and Mickey Cohen, noted local marine biologist. The tour is $45.00 per person and includes wine, cheese, fruit, and snacks. The tour will depart on September 25 from Sheepshead Bay, Pier 2 (Emmons Ave. and Bedford Ave, Brooklyn) at 4:00 pm. To reserve, send a check for $45/person to: American Littoral Society, c/o Don Riepe, 28 West 9th Road, Broad Channel, NY 11693.
The cruise is a cooperative program with the American Littoral Society, Gateway National Park Service, NYC Audubon, and NYC Sierra Club.
To learn more, go to www.alsnyc.org, call (718) 318-9344 or email donriepe@gmail.com.