DOT Presentation – Ocean Parkway/Prospect Expressway & Church Ave Tonight

KENSINGTON – Last spring, local officials held a Town Hall with the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to address yet another terrible pedestrian death at the intersection of Ocean Parkway/Prospect Expressway and Church Ave in late February.
“This horrific pedestrian death was the most recent in a series of crashes that have occurred at this corner. Following a protest I held with advocates at this intersection after another pedestrian fatality in 2010, NYSDOT finally placed pedestrian islands at this location, but that has not been enough to prevent accidents or fatalities,” says Councilmember Brad Lander, who represents the area. “This intersection remains dangerous for pedestrians and motorists alike, and my office has been urging NYSDOT (which has jurisdiction over the expressway) to make necessary safety upgrades.”
Following the Town Hall, NYCDOT and NYSDOT added some missing speed limit signs, and promised to do a study. They have now finished their data collection and will present their recommendations for traffic calming measures and safety improvements at this intersection to the community tonight, Monday, November 19 at 6:00 pm at PS130 Upper School at East 7th and Caton Avenue.
DOT Presentation – Ocean Parkway/Prospect Expressway & Church Ave
Monday, November 19, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
PS 130 Upper School Auditorium
713 Caton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY