Would a Discount on Coffee Make You Bring Your Own Mug?

Photo via Inhabitat
Brokelyn just posted a neat roundup of coffee places that give a discount if you bring your own to-go mug. And let’s just say: North Brooklyn’s got us beat. Come on, Park Slope! We have the Coop! We have 3 exclusively vegan restaurants! We host 2 farmers’ markets! Do we really — given all our many, many coffee shops — have only two neighborhood spots that are willing to give us a little reward for going green? Or is the Brokelyn list just a little Williamsburg-centric?
According to them, the only local cafes that offer BYOMug discounts are Red Horse Cafe (497 6th Ave., between 12th and 13th Streets; 25 cents off drip coffee) and Southside Coffee (652 6th Ave., between 17th and 18th Streets; also 25 cents off). They include the Greenpoint Cafe Grumpy, but don’t mention the Park Slope outpost (383 7th Ave, between 11th and 12th Streets; 25 cents off), which presumably offers the same discount. Also, there’s Starbucks (164 7th Ave between Garfield and 1st Street; 10 cents off), but the savings there is tempered by the fact that the coffee’s from Starbucks.
Even if we count that — are there really only four (3.5?) places that offer a little incentive for lugging around a stainless steel mug all day*?
Help us out: are there others Brokelyn forgot? Not that it’s a contest, but…are we really ceding this one to Williamsburg? And if more cafes around here adopted the practice, would you take advantage?
*Not actually a tremendous sacrifice