Coley The Osprey Is Back In Jamaica Bay!

We’ve been passing along updates from the National Parks of New York Harbor Conservancy on the movements of the wondrous Coley, the Osprey who makes his summer home in Jamaica Bay. And now, it seems, the year-long cycle has just about wrapped up, with Coley and his mate back in the Jamaica Bay area.
Scientists tracking Coley first observed that his mate had returned to Jamaica Bay a few days before Coley. She was probably busy preparing their nest while Coley was sightseeing somewhere in Virginia.
Coley finally made it home this week and the scientists tracking him teased us with what’s in store for the bird.
Coley, our amazing avian traveler, completed his northward migration yesterday, March 20th. He fittingly arrived at Jamaica Bay on the first day of spring and was quickly reunited with his mate.
We’ll continue to keep an eye on his travels and re-acclimation to the Bay. Although there are many exciting possibilities on the horizon (eggs! chicks! summer fishing!), for now let’s all say a hearty congratulations to this amazing bird.
Can’t wait to see the little chicks as Coley’s incredible journey soars forward. Here is a map of the long flight Coley has been on over the past few months, illustrating his awesomeness.