Ukuladies South Africa Benefit Thursday Night At Freddy’s

Like ukes? Like kids? Like kids with ukes?
Don’t miss the Ukuladies special fundraiser on Thursday, April 27, at Freddy’s (627 5th Ave). The “twin-sister, aunt, and one tap-dancing cousin act” will be raising money for their Kickstarter project, Ukes and Kids Song Writing Project: SOUTH AFRICA, which provides ukeleles to children in Johannesburg.
Local volunteer musicians and teachers will work for two weeks with the students on creating original songs on the uke culminating in a CD which will help promote the Mobile Arts and Entrepreneurship Institute in South Africa, an organization dedicated to developing music education programs in South African schools.
The group’s Kickstarter project has already raised $3,955 of their $8,000 goal.
Expect a silent auction, plenty of ukelele music, and the kind of fun that only Freddy’s can provide. The party kicks off at 7pm. No cover, but you know you want to make a donation. It’s good for the soul.