Turner: Small Businesses Are Economic Engine For U.S.

No, Turner and his aides weren't shopping on Sheepshead Bay Road. But they did buy pizza locally for their fundraiser here!

Congressman Bob Turner expressed his support of small businesses as well as his frustrations on the government’s approach to fixing the country’s economy in an editorial for Yeshiva World News, published yesterday.

“The best thing the government can do to grow the economy is to create an environment that allows American businesses and entrepreneurs to create real, lasting jobs for Americans,” Turner said in the article.

The House of Representatives has already passed more than 25 bipartisan bills aimed to help businesses get started and grow by cutting regulations and increasing capital, he wrote. The bills are currently waiting on Senate approval.

“We all know that small businesses are unquestionably the economic engine of the U.S. economy,” said Turner in the editorial. “The start up or small business of today is the Apple or Facebook of tomorrow.”

As for his frustration with the government, Turner said for every dollar we spend we are borrowing 40 cents from other nations. Also, he attributes our debt of $15 trillion and an unemployment rate of eight percent to the raising of taxes.

“It is a short term band-aid for very deep wound in our economy,” said Turner.

What do you think? Is our debt tied to the tax rates? Is the government doing enough for small businesses?