The Ditmas Park Election District Where de Blasio Got One Vote?

The New York Times recently released a map of votes for each Democratic mayoral candidate in the September primary by Election District. In our area, however–which seems to have voted so overwhelmingly for Bill de Blasio–there is a district in which he received only one vote.
Election District 42-034, which covers Ditmas to Dorchester Avenues from Rugby Road to E 19th Street, plus Ditmas to Newkirk from Rugby to the subway tracks and from E 18th to E 19th, was pretty much split by Bill Thompson (33 votes) and Christine Quinn (36 votes).
What really separates de Blasio from John Liu and Anthony Weiner (who received three and two votes respectively), with his whopping one vote, is that almost every other Election District around us went to de Blasio–who, as you know, won the primary.
Raw results from the NYC Board of Elections say de Blasio got 5,899 votes from Assembly District 42, while Thompson got 3,443, Weiner got 646, Quinn got 643, and Liu got 403.
The general election is coming up next Tuesday, November 5, and New Yorkers will be asked, in large, to choose between Bill de Blasio and Joe Lhota for mayor. Other races include Public Advocate, Comptroller, Borough President, and City Council–in our 40th District, the candidates are Mathieu Eugene, Sylvia Kinard (who, after losing the Democratic primary, is still on the ballot with the Rent Is Too Damn High party), and Brian Kelly.
So to everyone, and especially Election District 42-034, what are your feelings about de Blasio as a potential mayor? Has he endeared himself to you anymore since the primary, or have you been continually turned off? And what about the other options on November 5?
Map via New York Times