Wednesday Crime Blotter: Ugly Scene in a Beauty Shop, Fashion Smash-and-Grab & More
An angry customer threatened employees with a handgun at a Bushwick beauty store
over the weekend (Screenshot via Google Maps)
Off-Duty Detective Arrested for Flashing Gun During Outback Argument
The Outback Steakhouse in East New York where an NYPD detective was arrested
after flashing a gun (Screenshot via Google
Subway Menace Tries to Grab Child in Bushwick
BUSHWICK – Police are looking for a man who menaced an 11-year old boy at
Myrtle-Wyckoff Station on Tuesday, grabbing him
Police Searching For Man Who Threatened Passenger On ‘5’ Train With Knife
EAST FLATBUSH – The NYPD is asking the public’s assistance in identifying the
man seen in the below photos in
Weekend Crime Blotter: Cop Arrested On Menacing Charges, Two Separate Hit-And-Runs, One Fatal
Source: Null Value via flickrThis weekend the south Brooklyn saw two
hit-and-runs and the arrest of a local police officer.
Police Discover Weapons Stockpile In The Nostrand Houses
> #ESU [] assisted @NYPD67Pct
[] in the execution of a
Man Groped Then Threatened Straphanger With A Box Cutter, Says Police
Photo via NYPDPolice are searching for a man they say groped a woman on the
subway, then followed her off