

Maimonides, One Of Brooklyn’s Most Stable Hospitals, Is In The Red

Maimonides Medical Center. (Source: Google Maps)Maimonides Medical Center [http://www.maimonidesmed.org/Main/Home.aspx] — one of the borough’s most stable hospitals — is experiencing unusual mid-year losses, reports [http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20150803/HEALTH_CARE/150809992/one-of-brooklyns-most-stable-hospitals-reports-an-unusual-midyear#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=


Editorial: Deutsch’s “Participatory Governing” Concept No Replacement For Participatory Budgeting

An attendee requested support programs for special needs families. But that’s not what the meeting was for.Councilman Chaim Deutsch has touted his “participatory governing [/council-member-chaim-deutsch-hosts-participatory-governing-meeting-constituents/] ” approach as an alternative to participatory budgeting, but his first attempt – a governing workshop held last week – provided the best argument yet for