Suspected Killer Of Boy Member Of Jewish Community

At about 9:30 am this morning, the Daily News updated their story, quoting Dov

Hikind that the suspected Borough Park child killer is Jewish. Authorities still have yet to release his name. The suspect, whose name is Levi Aron, lives with his parents in the nearby neighborhood of Kensington, in a third floor attic apartment. He has yet to be charged.
Shomrim patrol coordinator Jacob Daskel told the Daily News that he knows the suspect from around the neighborhood.
As we previously reported, the missing boy’s body was found in a Park Slope dumpster and apparent body parts, including the boy’s feet, were found in the suspect’s refrigerator.
The main suspect, who at the time of publishing remains unidentified Levi Aron, moved to Brooklyn from Memphis, Tennessee after divorcing his wife Debbie Kivel who, according to the Daily News, had also filed an order of protection against him. He works at Empire Hardware (639 McDonald Avenue). A co-worker quoted by the News said the Aron arrived to work ill seeming normal yesterday. He said the suspect was known to have a temper.
“He’s a funny guy,” the colleague said. “We knew something was wrong with him but he worked very well. He would flip out sometimes. If you really got him good he would flip out and you’d be asking ‘What happened? We were just joking around.”
A neighbor saw the suspect taken into custody with two others from the home on East 2nd Street near Avenue C, around 3:30 am this morning. Leiby, the missing boy, was caught on a surveillance camera about 5:30 pm Monday at the intersection of 18th Avenue, Dahill Road and 45th Street. He can be seen walking behind a bearded man believed to be Levi Aron. He had gotten lost on his way to meet his parents. It was the first time he walked the neighborhood’s streets alone- only after begging his parents to be allowed to do so.
The suspect Levi Aron was also caught on another surveillance camera outside his dentist’s office, where he went to pay a bill with his credit card. Police tracked Aron down with the help of another dentist and a receptionist who were able to find the alleged killer’s name in office records.
The massive search for Leiby Kletzky on Tuesday included over one hundred volunteers organized by the Shomrim community patrol. Local politicians Peter Abbate, Dov Hikind, the Shomrim and others had posted a $100,000 reward for information.