Sunset Park Recreation Center Gets Approval For Much-Needed Renovations

On Tuesday, the Landmarks Preservation Commission approved much-needed renovations for the Sunset Park Recreation Center located at 4200 7th Avenue, New York Yimby reports.
The facility was built in the mid-1930s as part of FDR’s Works Progress Administration (a plan to create jobs for millions during the Depression, mainly in constructing public buildings and roads) and designated an individual and interior landmark in 2007, according to Yimby.

The octogenarian structure is in need of some serious repairs—the HVAC system requires upgrading, with temperatures in the gym climbing to 105 degrees in the summer months!

The scope of work for the $4 million project will include upgrading the building’s cooling/ventilation system, upgrading the plumbing and electrical, and removing non-original banners, signs, and fencing from the building’s exterior.

Improvements to the facility’s entry and landmarked rotunda will include the addition of a new glass storefront featuring an updated NYC Parks logo, the installation of an ADA-accessilble entrance door and new reception desk, and the restoration of all lobby interior finishes, signs, original light fixtures, and the historic clock.
According to the NYC Parks website, the projected completion date for the project is September 2017.