Spring Classes at Pilates on Rugby

New spring classes are starting up at Pilates on Rugby. Martina sends the details:

4/9-4/14 (irregular schedule, no drop-ins, sorry!)
This week only: all classes run as Springboard class.
Monday: 8:30 am SB (Springboard)* mixed; 9:30am SB beginner, 6:15am prenatal SB; 7:15pm SB mixed
Tuesday: 11:15am Ki(d)lates, mom & child (1-2), 5 and up. We will use a lot of animal imagery and props to get into Pilates-related poses! This class runs only 45 min.
Wednesday: 6:30am SB mixed
Friday: 8:30am SB mixed; 9:30am SB mixed
Saturday: 9am SB mixed
*All classes are $22.
NEW CYCLE 4/16-5/26
Monday 8:30am int/adv
Monday 9:30am beginner
Monday 6:15pm prenatal NEW!
Monday 7:15pm springboard, mixed
Tuesday 9:30am Mom&tots
Wednesday 6:30am mixed
Wednesday 8:30am springboard, int/adv
Wednesday 9:30am springboard, mixed (intro special, please inquire!)
Wednesday 10:40am Postpartum, with baby
Wednesday 7:15pm mixed
Friday 8:30 am int/adv – almost full!
Friday 9:30 am mixed
Saturday 8:00 am springboard, mixed
Saturday 10:00am springboard, mixed NEW!

For more information of to register, contact Martina@PilatesonRugby.com or 917-703-6500.