Special CEC Meeting This Wednesday

This coming Wednesday, May 11th there will be a special meeting of the CEC for School District 20. What is a CEC, you ask? It’s a group made up of nine parents, two political appointees and one high school senior which oversees the elementary and intermediate schools in a district. CEC’s are remnants of the school boards that were dismantled by Mayor Bloomberg way back in his first term. There is one CEC for each of New York City’s 32 school districts.
This particular meeting will feature a hearing on the coming year’s school budget. It’s an important topic, especially considering the current state of the city’s finances. All parents in District 20, which covers Southwestern Brooklyn, with questions or concerns about funding for their child’s elementary or intermediate school are encouraged to show up.
The meeting will be held at PS 264 which is located at 425 89th Street near Fourth Avenue in Bay Ridge. The hearing is expected to start at 6PM.