South Slope Events Spotlight: October 11-14

From a little bit of France to the unveiling of a reconstructed monument dedicated to one of the greatest pianists of all time, there’s plenty to do in South Slope this weekend, and these are our top picks.
Thursday, October 11
Parlez-vous français? If so, head over to Couleur Cafe, 435 7th Avenue, at 7pm for their weekly French conversation session.
Friday, October 12
Like football (meaning soccer)? The Black Horse Pub, 568 5th Avenue, is showing Belarus v. Spain starting at 2pm and goes all the way through Argentina v. Uruguay at 8pm. Come on out and root for your favorite club!
Saturday, October 13
Join fans of composer and pianist Louis Moreau Gottschalk at Green-Wood Cemetery this Saturday at 1pm for the official unveiling of The reconstructed Angel of Music sculpture. The event, which includes a performance of the pianist’s works and a lecture by Gottschalk scholars, is free to the public, but reservations are recommended.
Sunday, October 14
Like zebras? If you’ve never been, you’re missing some wicked cool fun over at The Fifth Estate, 506 5th Avenue. This Sunday, check out Russ Spiegel and Tommy Mattioli’s Latin Groove Thang at 9pm.
Photo via Jeff Bush