How, When And Where To Sign Up For Our Neighborhood’s Community Supported Agriculture & Farm Share Programs

We’re fortunate to live in a neighborhood where we can find fresh produce grown locally (such as at our weekly Cortelyou Greenmarket), and, with the arrival of longer, warmer days, we’ll soon be seeing a whole lot more produce in our area!
The summer season for our area’s Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and farm share programs is about to kick off, and we wanted to let you know about the different programs you can join that allow you to buy fresh veggies, fruits, eggs and more directly from a local farmer. If there are any we’ve left off, let us know! You can email us at
While the Ditmas Park CSA was in danger of not happening this year, neighbors rallied around the program and we recently got the news that the CSA will still be here! Registration ends April 30, and the 20-week season will kick off in June, bringing us vegetables, eggs, fruit, meat, and more. Full shares, not including any add-ons, will cost $680 and half-shares will cost $455, plus there’s an administrative fee of $30 (for both full and half shares) to cover the expenses of running the CSA.
Jorge Carmona of Amantai Farm in Pennsylvania, who also sells at the Cortelyou Greenmarket, is the source for the Ditmas Park CSA.
You can find out more information on the group’s Facebook page and website, as well as sign up for information directly from the CSA by emailing
A variety of local farmers (see the entire list here) will provide vegetables, fruit, eggs, cheese, kefir, beans, grains, butter, milk, chicken, and mushrooms for this farm share’s sixth summer season, which you can sign up for now. Memberships are offered on a sliding scale. The share’s volunteers warned us that memberships are going quickly, so if you’re interested, sign up soon.
Produce will be available for pickup between 6pm-8pm every Wednesday from June through October at the Flatbush Reformed Church, located at 890 Flatbush Avenue at the corner of Church Avenue.
You can learn more about the Flatbush Farm Share on their Facebook page and website, you can sign up by going here, and if you have any questions, you can email
As with the Flatbush Farm Share, a number of different farmers (see more about them here) provide veggies, fruit, eggs, cheese, bread, meat, pasta, and more for the Next Door Organics CSA, which distributes at Sycamore (1118 Cortelyou Road) from 6-7:30pm every Wednesday evening. The pick-ups are currently going on, and you can sign up any time. Weekly costs range in price from $20 to $50.
For more information, you can visit their website, and to sign up, go here.
Neighbor Jan Maly let us know that he’s working on starting a Farmigo (essentially an online farmer’s market that works similarly to a CSA) in our neighborhood, but he needs at least 10 orders to launch it. If you participate, you’d order weekly until Thursday night and then pick it up between 6pm and 8pm on Monday evenings at 44 Westminster Road (between Caton and Church).
If you’re interested, you can visit Farmigo’s website and email Jan at