Shopping Center Coming to Coney Island Ave at Avenue H

The corner of Coney Island Avenue and Avenue H, which most recently had an auto repair business, will soon be turned into a shopping center. David Koptiev from Platinum Realty Associates, which is developing the site, tells us that they haven’t rented any of the stores yet, and that they hope to start construction in the next few months.
The developers are known for converting old gas stations into retail areas, typically featuring major national chains. They recently took over a site that had previously faced controversy in Queens, where locals believed the construction would lead to a hot-sheets motel. As the new owner, Koptiev insisted it would be a regular, bustling commercial corridor.
Permits have been filed for full demolition of the buildings on the premises, and it looks like they plan to subdivide the lot into three new zoning areas. We’ll keep you posted on the progress.
Update, 12pm: This story has been corrected. It previously suggested Platinum Realty was the developer responsible for the controversy in Queens, which is not the case.