Senator Marty Golden to Hold Town Hall Meeting on Public Safety

(NYS 22nd Senate District Banner)
It seems like just yesterday that Senator Marty Golden’s office had a meeting to discuss the issues affecting our area. Hey, wait, it was just yesterday. Oh, that was the Town Hall Meeting on Education. The next Town Hall Meeting will cover Public Safety issues in NY Senate District 22 and will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, November 19.
While this meeting may not be geared specifically to Sheepshead Bay and the Precinct representatives will be coming from the 68th, not the 61st, it’s still a great idea for residents of Sheepshead Bay to stay informed about what is going on in the neighboring areas of Senate District 22.
This meeting is being hosted in part by the Dyker Heights Civic Association (DHCA) and I’m sure there are things we can learn from them – especially, about how they keep their beautiful mile-wide neighborhood safe, clean, and protected from excess overpopulation and development. By the looks of the NASA Photo linked to on the Dyker Heights Wikipedia information page – so well-referenced and put together by Christian Zaino – there are also chunks of green space there (courtesy of the Dyker Beach Golf Course and the Belt Parkway Park, Promenade & Bike Path). Compared to our South Brooklyn neighbor, Sheepshead Bay looks like a veritable wasteland on that map. Or maybe in a couple of years, we’ll be inviting DHCA to visit our own little green oasis on Brigham Street.
Here are the details:
Town Hall Meeting on Public Safety
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Knights of Columbus, located at 1305 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11228
Hosted by: Senator Marty Golden and the Dyker Heights Civic Association
Contact: Senator Golden’s office (718) 238-6044