Sanitation Makes Icy Streets Worse

This just in from Allan Rosen:

This street, Ocean Avenue in Manhattan Beach, was perfectly clear of snow and ice until three days ago when the Department of Sanitation decided to move the mounds of snow along the curbs into the center of the street for it to melt.  However, the temperature only remained above freezing for one day, and due to the light traffic, not enough cars ran over the mush to melt it. So now we are left with this icy hazzard which we didn’t have before.  Why is it alright for Sanitation to move the snow into the center of the street when residents are told that they are not allowed to do that when clearing their driveways?

I guess a bigger question is, how come city workers constantly do things that we’re always told not to do? Hardly news, sure, but a gripe I think all of us peasants share.