Powerhouse on 8th Hosts Inaugural Tasting Event Saturday

We’re totally, head-over-heels in love with this. Powerhouse on 8th (1111 8th Ave) is kicking off their first cookbook tasting series on Saturday, March 2, from 4pm – 5pm.
Much like a traditional book event, Jenny Rosenstrach, author of Dinner: A Love Story, and Melissa Vaughan, author of The New Brooklyn Cookbook, will be on hand to sign copies of their work, and answer questions from the audience. Where things start to get really exciting, though, is when they break out a sampling of their featured recipes.
How great is that??? You get to give the recipes a test-drive before taking the book home!
Interested? Call 718-666-3049 for more information, or email RSVP@POWERHOUSEArena.com to confirm your spot.
Image via Powerhouse on 8th