Photo Finish: Summer Sets into Autumn

The calendar says it’s fall, but the weather has been saying otherwise. The temperatures are still warm enough to be outdoors at almost any hour of the day, and the clear, sunny skies lend themselves to some nice views of the city.
But not much can compare to the breathtaking views of the Brooklyn and lower Manhattan skylines at sunset, which community contributor Francisco Daum has captured so beautifully. And because the sun is setting earlier and earlier as we move into autumn (it sets at 6:44 p.m. tonight, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory), it’s easy to throw on a sweater and take in the scenery at dinner – something you might not be able to do it for much longer.
If you go out and catch the sun saying goodnight to the city yourself, don’t forget to post it in our Flickr photo group or send it to us in an email.