Photo: Despite Disaster, Democracy Moves Forward

My voting station was busier than I’ve ever seen it at my usual mid-day voting time – a time I choose to go because it’s usually empty.
Not so today; voters were lined up inside St. Mark School’s gymnasium (East 18th Street and Avenue Z), where many voters from blocks hard hit by the flooding near Sheepshead Bay Road are assigned to cast their ballot.
A poll worker told us that turnout has so far been great – all things considered – and that it has been an uneventful day in terms of complications.
Reader Auxil B. noted the same at his polling site:
I voted a while ago at the Kings Bay Y and it was active but uneventful. Everyone and everything was working well and the wait period was very brief to get a privacy booth. There was no wait for scanning. I was voter 100, which is well above the number I register in some off year primarites but I think a tad lower than in the Turner vs. Weprin special election a while ago.
Another reader, Celeste L., reports the same, though we’re waiting to hear back on which polling site she was assigned to:
I voted at 6:10 AM and was the first in my district. I saw no problems but the turnout was not yet heavy.
How has your voting experience been today? We especially want to hear from you if you were in a relocated site due to Hurricane Sandy?