Monday: Screening In Coney Of Woody Allen Masterpiece "Annie Hall"

I have never made a secret of my deep, abiding love for, admiration of, and decades-long crush on Woody Allen (who I, incidentally, also share a birthday with) — I think he is just the greatest! So I may just pop on over to Coney Island, Monday night, August 8 to see the EPIX Free-For-All screening of Woody’s pièce de résistance, Annie Hall, the 1977 masterpiece, written and directed by Woody Allen, which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
According to EPIX and Rooftop Films, which are partnering to present the screening:
Annie Hall struck a chord with audiences outside of erudite Manhattan film houses-and with good reason. Sure, we get the standard dose of neurotic Woody-isms, but we also get a sweet, sad, hopeful tale that reminds us love is sweet, love is sad, and if we’re lucky, love is downright funny.
Even though I’ve seen “Annie Hall” more than 100 times, one more time will not make it any less wonderful. And it won’t be just any old, ordinary film screening, either. EPIX tells us that The Coney Island History Project will be on hand to discuss the history of Coney Island and the role it played in the filming of Annie Hall.
Well, doesn’t that sound like fun? And, we are told, the evening will also feature a Woody Allen Impression contest [RELATED: “The 8 Best Woody Allen Impressions We Found On The Internet”] with prizes. To enter, email or go to
Really can’t wait to see that. The schedule for the evening is as follows:
- 7:00 PM Live DJ
- 8:30 PM Rooftop Films presents Kristen Lepore’s short film Bottle
- 8:40 PM Annie Hall
All the excitement happens on Coney Island’s beach at West 12th Street. EPIX will be giving away prizes and swag at the event and also via Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and online. Learn more at
And Woody, if you’re reading this — I love you, man!