Mingle With Human And Canine Friends At FIDO’s Summer Pupnic

Food, drink, friends, us, and a canine licks-per-minute competition await at FIDO’s Pupnic, a pot luck picnic for pooches and their people, on Friday, June 14 at Prospect Park’s Nethermead from 5pm until dusk. There will be a permit-designated off-leash area, plus:
Our pot-luck affair will also feature the FIDO Mid-Summer Games in which canine contestants vie to see who can catch the most dog biscuits; who gives the most licks per minute; biggest/smallest foot/ears; plus stupid dog tricks. Agility equipment should be on hand for additional fun.
Mary and I will be judging the contests above, plus dog-owner lookalikes! All participants will receive a FIDO scarf or ball, and the winners will get free t-shirts.
Come say hi, bring some [human] food to share, and FIDO will provide beverages, paper goods, plastic ware, trash bags, water, and biscuits for the dogs.
If you can volunteer transportation or help set up, please contact Betty at 718-975-8753.
Photo by westyreflector