Meet The Candidates At A Forum On Wednesday, August 28

Have you met your candidates yet? Community newspaper Street Hype is hosting a forum nearby that might be your last chance to do so. The event will be held next Wednesday, August 28, at Saint Gabriel’s Episcopal Church (331 Hawthorne Street between Nostrand and New York Avenues) from 6-8:30pm.
John Grant, Sylvia Kinard, Saundra Thomas, and the incumbent Mathieu Eugene will be in attendance for District 40, as well as mayoral candidates Bill deBlasio, Christine Quinn, Bill Thompson, and Anthony Weiner, public advocate candidates Senator Daniel Squadron, Councilmember Letitia James, Cathy Guerriero, and Reshma Saujani, and Senator Eric Adams, who is running unopposed for Brooklyn Borough President.
The event will include candidate comments on jobs, gun control, education, immigration reform, health care, housing, and stop and frisk, plus a question and answer session open to the public.
Particularly after an enlightening interview with Councilmember Eugene this week, we encourage you to attend, voice your questions and concerns, and decide who you’ll be voting for September 10.