Mayor Introduces ‘We Are Made in NY’ Tech Initiative

Do you have a tech startup, or are you interested in joining one? You might want to take a look at the new We Are Made In NY program, introduced by Mayor Bloomberg this morning. According to their website:
We Are Made In New York is an economic development initiative that supports the city’s vibrant tech community by highlighting job opportunities in the sector, celebrating the growing number of NYC-based digital companies, and providing access to resources and programs that help tech companies grow, and novices learn how to become part of the innovation ecosystem.
Here’s a breakdown of what the program entails:
Links for students, seniors and novices to access free and low cost digital education training, and information on how to get involved in the local technology community
Resources, benefits and programs to help startups grow in New York City.
Jobs on the interactive Made in NY digital jobs map, which plots locations of tech companies across the five boroughs.
Any tech company can apply to be featured, and the map links directly to job listings.
The official list of over 900 Made in NY tech companies.
Events connecting New Yorkers to digital jobs and celebrating the sector.
A crowdsourced video initiative encouraging Made in NY companies to film a short clip showcasing their workplaces, teams and accomplishments – as well as why NYC is a great place to start a business
A citywide awareness campaign with an estimated reach of over 150 million impressions in digital media and at outdoor locations including subways and buses
Ready to get your startup involved? First of all, make sure that 75% of the company’s development takes place in the five boroughs. Second, rock the logo, and apply for your official Made In NY mark. Third, utilize Twitter and Tumblr, by adding the hashtag #madeinny to your posts. Finally, take advantage of the short video mentioned above. Those selected will be featured on the We Are Made In NY website, and on their YouTube page.
We’ve got an incredibly vibrant and talented community, South Slope. Let’s help it grow.
Image via We Are Made In NY