Local Pols Have Mixed Reactions To President’s Healthcare Act

When the news first broke of the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the measure, news channels were were reporting from opposite sides of the spectrum. The responses from local politicians were split as well, with most sticking to the political views of their parties.
Congressman Michael Grimm:
“President Obama has pulled the wool over the eyes of the American people and broke a fundamental promise by imposing on us one of the largest middle class tax increases in the history of the country. He cannot have it both ways. At a time when millions of American are out of work, he and the Democrats who fought hard for this economy-crushing tax, must be held accountable.”
Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis:
“Today’s ruling sets a dangerous precedent for the power of the federal government. By requiring everyone to purchase health insurance, we have taken another step toward socialism and rationed healthcare, which begs the question of what else the federal government can require citizens to purchase.”
Congressman Jerrold Nadler:
“The Supreme Court did not disgrace itself today and we can go on from here to legislate for the better welfare of the American people,” according to NY1.
Senator Diane Savino:
“There is no doubt that this is a huge political win for the Obama administration. And it’s a big personal win for Barack Obama. He staked his presidency on this… Reasonable Republicans will know that it’s time for people to put this issue to rest,” according to SILive.
City Councilman James Oddo:
“It was a divided country before the decision, and probably even more so afterward. The people will have their say in November. It underscores the stakes on Election Day.”
The Healthcare Act means a lot of new territory for healthcare providers, hospitals and citizens to wade through. Let us know, what are your thoughts on the Affordable Care Act?