Lisyanskiy Calling For More Traffic Signals To Help Reduce Accidents

Citing a recent hit-and-run accident, City Council candidate John Lisyanskiy is calling on the Department of Transportation (DOT) to install more traffic signals at busy thoroughfares in the community.
Last week, we received a message from a local resident hoping to get any information on a hit-and-run accident that took place at 86th Street and Bay 36th Street. The accident left the victim, a 62-year-old Chinese man, in a coma. Lisyanskiy is hoping that the placement of more traffic signals will cut down on needless accidents and deaths.
“There have been far too many fatal accidents within the last two months alone and it is absolutely necessary that new traffic signals be installed in our area,” Lisyanskiy said in a press release.
Lisyankskiy went on to accuse the head of the Department of Transportation, Janette Sadik-Khan, of failing to be active enough in preventing accidents.
“The community should not be subjected to such an easily avoidable problem. Despite letters and appeals for action from myself and several members of our community, Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan has still not fixed this issue. Her complete disregard for the welfare of our area is irresponsible. The fact that there are two public schools within a three-block radius only serves to highlight the importance of responsible traffic systems. It is incredibly unfair to allow such a blatant safety hazard to be ignored,” Lisyankiy said.