Learn to Fish in the Lullwater This Summer

2011 anglers, photo credit: Prospect Park Alliance
Give a kid a fish and he’ll eat for a week, teach a kid to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime. Not that you’ll actually be eating the fish you catch in Prospect Park (you toss ’em back). But it’s the principle of the thing, you know?
Last year, the annual Macy’s Fishing Contest, a Prospect Park tradition since 1947, gave way to less competitive/more skill-building Macy’s Fishing Clinics. This year the clinic is back, and starting Sunday, the kids will be reeling.
On weekend afternoons in July and August (Saturdays 1pm and 3pm, Sundays at 2pm), young fisherman 15 and under can get free fishing instruction — they’ll learn about “the recreational sport of fishing, fishing safety, and fish-friendly techniques.”
Sessions cast off from the Prospect Audubon Center, and all participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. And don’t dawdle — Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Call (718) 287-3400 x303 for details.