Tonight: Learn More About Our Neighborhood & Address Concerns At The Community Board 14 Meeting

There are many reasons to go to a Community Board 14 meeting – perhaps you’re having a problem in your neighborhood, maybe you’d like to voice your opinion to an elected official, or you want to connect with some like-minded civically engaged neighbors – whatever the reason, you have a chance to do so tonight!
CB 14, which covers Ditmas Park and other surrounding neighborhoods, will hold its monthly general meeting Monday evening at 7:30pm at Edward R. Murrow High School (E. 17th Street between Avenue L and Avenue M).
During the gathering, the board will update neighbors on a range of topics, including transportation, public safety, youth services, and more. To see the full agenda, you can go here.
All members of the public are welcome to attend, as well as to address the board about any concerns or announcements you may have. For example, neighbors at last month’s meeting announced they launched a group working to get participatory budgeting in Council District 40, now represented by Councilman Mathieu Eugene.
For more information, you can call CB 14’s district office at 718-859-6357.