Learn About Funeral Planning At The Park Slope Food Coop

Learn About Funeral Planning At The Park Slope Food Coop
Green-Wood Cemetery

It might not be something you like to think about, but planning for your own death may actually give you some perspective to allow you to live more fully in the moment. That’s the idea behind an upcoming event at the Park Slope Food Coop (782 Union Street) called It’s Your Funeral, taking place on Sunday, April 6 at 7pm.

Coop member Amy Cunningham, a licensed funeral director at Greenwood Heights Funeral & Cremation Services, will lead a talk about planning low-cost, back-to-basics funerals and memorial services, as well as info on eco-friendly cemeteries near the city,

cremation pros and cons, biodegradable caskets and urns, blended faith/alternative ceremonies, and more.

The event is free, and it’s open to both members and non-members.