It’s All App-ening at Green-Wood This Saturday

photo via Facebook
Green-Wood Cemetery has a new walking tour app, which is the biggest graveyard tech news since QR codes on tombstones.
This Saturday, Green-Wood wants you to come test-drive the tool, which is, they say, “the most exciting historic cemetery app to make its way on to the market.” And while I don’t really have a context for that, not having a lot of experience with cemetery apps, historic or otherwise, it actually does sounds pretty great. Using photos, video, audio, and personal stories, the app intends to give cemetery-goers an interactive dose of Big Apple history.
At 1PM, meet up with Green-Wood historian Jeff Richman for “a pre-game warm-up,” then download the app and venture off on your own– aim for all 40 landmarks or take it slow. At 3, the group will reconvene for snacks, a toast, and the chance to weigh in. The event is completely free, but registration is recommended.