Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren Discusses Politics Politely

Congregation Beth Elohim had Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren in to speak last night, and the event generated the kind of buzz you might expect.
Capitol New York reports that security was tight, and that about 200 people (and additional protestors outside) braved the rain to hear the Ambassador’s thoughts on the original version of Homeland, among other things. One topic he would not cover, however, was the differences between U.S. presidential candidates. Politicker explains that he “strenuously avoided taking sides” and answered the many questions in as bi-partisan a way as possible. No reports available yet on the Ambassador’s thoughts about BBQs and brats, unfortunately.
Of course, the Ambassador couldn’t leave without a souvenir of his visit, a Brooklyn t-shirt presented by Rabbi Andy Bachman, which for some reason he didn’t wear on his appearance this morning on The View, which some say was just another bland appearance.