In Response To Complaints, New Clerks At Sheepshead Post Office

Very few of us look forward to our trips to the local post offices. Many think of it as a special circle of Hell, featuring long lines of irritable weirdos, made worse by bad ventilation that gives the humid air a definite funk of moldy papers and body odor. Personally, I’ve never had an issue with the service itself, even finding many of the clerks friendly and helpful, but I’ve heard numerous horror stories that make me better understand the term “going postal.”
Well, complaints about our local branch have spurred the United States Post Office into action. After residents repeatedly lodged reports citing the “absence of courtesy” at the Bill Brown Post Office at 2628 East 18th Street, two new window clerks have been added, according to Don Brown, Community Board 15’s liaison to the USPS’ Consumer Advisory Council.
What’s more is that the new clerks – and presumably the old ones – have been provided a course in Customer Relations, to help ensure friendlier, more efficient service.
“It is hoped that these actions will help improve both the service and image of the Post Office,” Brown told Sheepshead Bites.