“Horrific” Car Accident Sunday Morning – Got Info?

We received the below e-mail from Manhattan Beach resident Stuart Fries last night. Does anyone have info regarding the accident in question? If so, leave it in the comments section.
Don’t know if you received any pictures from a horrific car accident this morning, 6/18 [sic – should be 6/19], about 9:30 AM…I was the first car stopped at the light on Shore Blvd. and Emmons Ave, leaving Manhattan Beach…
I can’t even describe exactly what happened…
Directly in front of probably One Neptune Ave., Just off the corner of East 14th, which intersects at Emmons Ave. and Neptune Ave. I heard a tremendous screech, with a black car racing Westbound on Neptune Ave., and then a white car flying up into the air, and then I see a black car, which I suspect was parked, but not sure, also go flying and completely turn over!!! I have no idea if people were in only one car or both. I immediately called 911 and was hooked in to a dispatcher, and others were also calling…
I would be most interested, to find out what actually had occurred. It may be possible that the speeding car, may have caused the accident, but it sped away like lightning!
UPDATE (1:38 p.m.): Minutes after posting the above blurb, Citizen X sent in the photograph of the accident and noted, “Over heard that alcohol might have been a contribution in this crash.”
Keep sending us info!