History at Home: This Day in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle

As we wander about our modern neighborhood, caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to ignore the long and vibrant history of our community. Let’s remedy that. Every weekend, we’ll take a step back, with the help of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives, and explore what was happening around South Slope over a century ago.
On January 27, 1902, a 21st Street father shipped his 19-year-old teen to the House of the Good Shepherd for shaking her groove thing. Anyone else feeling the urge to kick off your Sunday shoes?

Also on January 27, 1902, after a trolley operator struck and killed a 14-year-old boy on 13th Street and 5th Avenue, his bondsman angrily tells those asking how the accident occurred to “mind their own business.”

It appears that complaining about public transportation is an old Brooklyn pastime. On January 26, 1902, a teacher at Brooklyn Public School 40, said to sit on 4th Avenue and 15th Street (the site of our P.S. 124), took the Brooklyn Heights Railroad Company to the mat for screwing her out of a transfer.

Have an interesting bit of South Slope history to share? Send it to editor@bklyner.com, and we’ll publish it in our weekly History at Home segment.