Help Cafe Steinhof Save Tujague’s Restaurant

Whether it’s a bar, restaurant, coffee house, or hill at the park, we all have somewhere that holds a special place in our hearts. For chef and owner of Cafe Steinhof, Paul Goebert, that place is a 157-year-old restaurant in New Orleans called Tujague’s.
Paul, who worked as a chef at Tujague’s for two years, is joining other loyal fans of this historic establishment in an attempt to save the restaurant from becoming a t-shirt tourist trap.
Tujague’s Restaurant in New Orleans is in trouble. They are one of the oldest, soulful places in the Quarter with an amazing bar imported from France in the very old days. Now, one owner died and the vultures are circling. I’m personally attached to this lovely place, because I was the chef there in the early 80’s. For 2 years. I loved it. If you happen to be in or visit New Orleans soon, please go there, eat there, spend some money to support their survival. There are already too many T-shirt shops on that stretch of Decatur Street. This landmark should not become another one.
As a community familiar with fighting for our neighborhood’s historic preservation, it’s easy to empathize with those down in New Orleans. Let’s show some love to both our neighbor, Paul Goebert, and Tujague’s. Like the restaurant’s Facebook page, spread the word on Twitter with #saveTUJAGUES, and if you happen to find yourself in the Big Easy, stop by Tujague’s for a bite.