Head To Prospect Park On October 3 For Sweet Sounds Of The Jewish New Year Shofar

The ancient sounds of the shofar will be coming to the Prospect Park next Monday, and all of you are invited to hear it.
Rabbi Menashe Wolf and Chabad of Park Slope will be offering Shofar In The Park, a “mini-service” to be held Monday, October 3 near the Prospect Park Bandshell.
The event will last for 30 minutes, beginning at 5:30pm and take place on the lawn next to the bandshell, near the 9th Street entrance to Prospect Park.
The event will feature “a guided meditation, singing and shofar blowing. The idea is to bring the holiday spirit to those that wouldn’t be going to a full service in the synagogue,” said Rabbi Wolf, “or to those that want to supplement their synagogue service with something different and meaningful.”
Following Shofar in the Park, there will be walk down to the newly renovated Dog Beach for a traditional Tashlich ritual — a special New Year prayer said adjacent to a body of water.
“Jews have been blowing the Shofar, a simple hollowed out ram’s horn, for thousands of years in celebration of Rosh Hashana, or the Head of the Year – also known as the birthday of humanity,” explained Rabbi Wolf.
Chabad of Park Slope, who will host the event, has been servicing the Park Slope Jewish community for close to 25 years with educational and social programs.
The event is free and open to the public. You can “announce your arrival” here.
The Event Rundown: Shofar in the Park
When: Monday, October 3 from 5:30pm-6:00pm
Where: The lawn near the Prospect Park Bandshell. Enter at 9th Street.
More Information: Visit the event’s Facebook page.