Happy Saint Joseph’s Day!

We’re going to try to acknowledge more holidays here on the Bean.
Today for instance is a great day for everyone – regardless of religion – to visit their nearest Italian bakery for a delicious custard or cannoli cream-filled zeppola or sfinge.
The reason? Well, if your name is Joseph, then buon onomastico! If you’re also Italian, you’ll probably be receiving cards from your female relatives. It’s Saint Joseph’s Day!
Many Italian-American Catholics no longer celebrate this holiday, which in some ways is still a big deal in Bensonhurst, as well as Italian communities across New York City and the world.
Whether you’re into the day’s more religious aspects, or just a fan of Rimini, Villabate, and Mona Lisa, enjoy a once a year treat at a pastry shop near you!
Buona Festa di San Giuseppe!