Graves Admits To Avoiding Service Of Process, Says Cipriano

Yesterday, whistle-blowing Republican candidate Peter Cipriano had his second day of court in an election case that’s pitting the renegade 21-year-old against Brooklyn Republican Party boss Craig Eaton.
According to Cipriano, Matthew Graves – who is Eaton’s choice for the District Leader post sought by Cipriani – may be attempting to fall on his sword to keep the more serious charges against Eaton from being aired in court.
In Cipriano’s account of yesterday’s court testimony, Graves admitted on the witness stand to purposely avoiding service of process, leaving work at the Board of Elections early to see the movie Captain America last Thursday and, in effect, interfering with Cipriano’s petition process.
Those charges include a pay-to-play scheme, in which Cipriano alleges Eaton “illegally offered Board of Election jobs to voters in exchange for political support and favors.”
“The battle of technicalities is tedious, and if the defendants get their way, we may never get to a point of hearing a decision on whether Chairman Eaton acted unlawfully,” said Cipriano in a press release to Bensonhurst Bean. “But I believe in the process, and it remains my belief that ultimately justice will prevail and the case will have its day.”
According to Cipriano, both parties were due back in court this morning for a decision on the legal implications of Graves’ avoidance of service.