Golden And Other Local Pols Want To Give Gas Stations Tax Breaks For Generator Purchases

State Senator Marty Golden is cosponsoring legislation that he believes would end the long lines for gasoline we saw following the events of Superstorm Sandy.
The proposed legislation would provide tax credits upwards of $15,000 for gas stations and other convenience stores for the purchase of generators that would keep stations running in the event of another mass power outage.
According to the press release, commercial-sized generators cost between $5,000 to $30,000 to purchase and install and cost an additional $8,000 a year to operate and maintain.
There are over 7,200 gas service stations in New York, and half of those are located in the city alone. Golden wants to ensure that when the power goes out for whatever reason, people will be able to refuel easily.
“A common sense solution like this will prevent the long lines, the arguments and give people peace of mind, knowing they will be able to get gas and subsequently travel,” Golden said.