Go Pink And Purple This Sunday At The 88th Precinct’s Inaugural Walk — And BBQ — For A Cure To Fort Greene Park

“Go pink” is often said as a way to express support for breast cancer awareness, especially during the month of October. But the 10th month of the year is also domestic violence awareness month, for which purple is the color of support.
With that in mind, the 88th Precinct’s inaugural Walk For A Cure walk and barbecue this Sunday, October 25, is aiming to raise awareness about both issues and the organizations that support them.
“This is a way for the police department and the community to bring awareness to breast cancer and all cancers, and we will also have domestic violence information and items, too,” said Police Officer Andrene Sargeant, of the precinct’s community affairs unit, which organized the event.
The walk will begin in front of the 88th Precinct station house (298 Classon Avenue) at 12 noon and head across DeKalb Avenue towards the Washington Park entrance of Fort Greene Park. Once there, a community party/festival will kick off, with a BBQ, family-friendly activities, and “other surprises,” said Sargeant.
The event is also part of the NYPD’s month-long “#NYPDBlueGoesPink” effort, which has seen precincts across the city deck out cars and helmets in the color pink, organize teams for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, and fundraise for the American Cancer Society.
Here in the 88th Precinct, officers already held a community bake sale on October 9, with help from local seniors, that sold $617 worth of cake and supplemented the $2,617.10 raised by the precinct.
Sergeant adds that if anyone would like to support the Patrol Borough Brooklyn North walkathon team, their Making Strides Against Breast Cancer page is still accepting donations under “Brooklyn Beauties;” just note “Team88” to recognize the 88th Precinct.