Four Free And Amazing High Holiday Services in Brooklyn

Looking for a community to celebrate High Holidays? These four congregations are opening their doors to share the service with all – from Park Slope to Midwood. Check them out! High Holidays this year: Rosh Hashana this year falls on September 21 and 22, the fast of Yom Kippur starts the evening of September 29 and goes through September 30.

Chabad of Park Slope presents Shofar in the Park on September 21, 2017 at 5:30pm
We are once again bringing the meaningful, moving sound of the Shofar to the public sphere in Prospect Park during one of the most meaningful, moving times of the year. It will be an experience like no other. Come out for this public event on the first day of Rosh Hashanah (9.21.17) and bring along your family and friends. Join together with other Brooklynites for a bite-sized dose of inspiration, meditation, and vibration.
In this condensed half-hour “service” we will capitalize on the simple-yet-profound message of the Shofar and usher in the New Year with a transformative meditation, giving you the tools to make your year sweet. We recommend going to a full High Holiday service (and if you’re asking us – we’d send you to Congregation B’nai Jacob of Park Slope).
But if Synagogue wasn’t in your plans for this New Year – or you want to supplement the traditional with something out of the box – this is the place to be. We don’t place a price on your soul – so this event is completely free.
NOTE ABOUT LOCATION: Shofar in the Park won’t be in the Bandshell itself, but on the lawn next to it – at the 9th St. entrance. Following Shofar in the Park, we’ll be walking down to the Dog Beach for Tashlich – a special New Year prayer said adjacent to a body of water.
Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX)

High Holiday Joyous Explanatory Services starting on September 20, 2017 – Join us for a joyous, explanatory High Holiday service. Come one day or on both days of Rosh Hashanah! We have the same beautiful service on Yom Kippur. Please rsvp via email with your full name and number and we will try our best to have a seat for you! Drop ins are welcome too. or call (646) 3971544 Address: 2915 Ave. K, Brooklyn

New Year Barrier-Free Learning Service for All on September 17, 2017 at 10:30 am
Everyone is welcome to join us at our unique pre-holiday teaching service that celebrates the new year in an inclusive, needs-sensitive setting. For more information, visit A social story is available: contact Free; your RSVP is appreciated! EMJC offers a range of free programs for children during both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. Visit for details. 1625 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn.

High Holiday Services with meaning and melody starting on September 21, 2017 at 9:30 AM
Join us for inspirational and uplifting High Holiday Services, right here in Ditmas Park. No affiliation required. Free of charge. Simultaneous Children program, by a devoted staff. 2107 Ditmas Avenue, Brooklyn.
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