Flashback Friday: Painful Eviction On 2nd Street

The struggle of evictions isn’t a new story by any means. The expressions are all too real, as a family reacts to their being forced out of their home.
Taken in 1950, the photo caption reads: “Family of seven, some crying, seen from above with their belongings on sidewalk. Caption on verso: “Out on the Street: Most of the Dutton family gathers around personal effects in front of 469 2d St. after eviction today. Left to right are Loyola, 21; Joan, 16; Mrs. Josephine Dutton, holding Victor, 5, and, at right, from front to rear, Donald, 7; Austin, 10, and Lawrence, 18, holding Beauty, the family dog. Two other sons, Steve, 13, and Thomas Jr., 20, are not shown.”
The image is part of the Brooklyn Public Library Prints and Photographs Division.
Luckily, the laws are different now, and there are more resources available should you ever need them. You can refer to the NYC Department of Homeless Services for further information.
Do you have any interesting old photos of Park Slope? Share them with us at editor@bklyner.com!