Fidler Campaign Kicks Off By Targeting Jewish Voters

Capital New York’s Azi Paybarah published the following scanned ad yesterday from Hamodia, a Brooklyn Jewish newspaper. We agree with what his tipster told him: that it’s the “opening salvo” in Councilman Lew Fidler’s unannounced-but-widely-expected State Senate campaign.

Paybarah writes:

Fidler hasn’t formally announced he’s running for the seat, but he’s term-limited from the Council after 2013, and Kruger is facing corruption charges (although the case is not proceeding smoothly).
The real wild card here is redistricting. Both Fidler and Kruger are Democrats but Kruger previously had good relationships with the Republican Senate majority which, like the Assembly Democrats, is theoretically in a position to control the current redistricting process. “Theoretically,” because Governor Andrew Cuomo has promised to veto whatever lines the lawmakers produce, which would likely trigger court involvement in the process, which could mean, in terms of the effect on individual district lines, almost anything.

We touched on what one redistricting scenario could mean earlier this week.

Anyway, here is the ad, touting the $15 million dollars in city funding Fidler has passed to Jewish groups over the years. What do you think?


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