Feel Your Best With Upcoming Health, Wellness & Beauty Events Around Ditmas Park

Spring is a great time to take up a new workout regimen, make the best of the plants in your garden, or even just revamp your look. Conveniently enough, health conscious Ditmas Parkers can do any of those in the coming weeks with helpful classes just around the corner.

Makeup Workshop with Sally Streets
Where: Lark, 1007 Church Avenue between E 10th Street and Stratford Road
When: Saturday, March 22, 3-4pm
What: Neighbor and professional makeup artist Sally Streets can show you some tricks you didn’t know about, including simple ways to take your look from AM to PM and more. Bring your regular makeup bag and products!
How much: $10 at the door

Every Beat Counts
Where: East Midwood Jewish Center (1625 between Avenues K and L)
When: Sunday, March 23, 9am-1:30pm
What: All are invited to this educational event focused on women’s heart health, including information on heart disease risk and prevention, how women present symptoms differently than men, and more. At the event you can get BMI and blood pressure screenings, as well as learn about healthy recipes and relaxation exercises.
How much: $30 at the door

Introduction to Herbal Tinctures
Where: Brooklyn ARTery (1021 Cortelyou Road between Coney Island Avenue and Stratford Road)
When: Thursday, March 27, 6:30-8:30pm
What: Chef, herbalist, and nutrition coach Emily Cavelier teaches this course, which shows participants how to treat common ailments (headaches, insomnia, allergies, etc.) with all-natural plant matter. Bring a 3-5 oz jar for the tincture you’ll make in class.
How much: $40, register here

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Where: Cortelyou Library, 1305 Cortelyou Road on the corner of Argyle Road
When: Starts Saturday, March 29, 12:30pm
What: Experienced yogis and first timers alike are welcome to this 10-week course, which teaches participants about reducing stress, improving health and concentration, and finding balance in life.
How much: Free!

Yoga Walking with Jonathan Fitzgordon
Where: Third Root Community Health Center (380 Marlborough Road between Cortelyou and Dorchester Roads)
When: Saturday, March 29, 2-5pm
What: CoreWalking creator Jonathan Fitzgordon will teach attendees how to move in a healthier and more comfortable way through their daily lives, so as to improve their health and practice on the yoga mat.
How much: $40, register here

Photo by Philippa Willitts