Cuomo Endorses Gounardes in Bensonhurst

BENSONHURST — Gov. Cuomo visited Brooklyn on Tuesday to endorse the Democratic senatorial candidate Andrew Gounardes, in what seemed more like a presidential campaign rally.
Dozens packed into the Stars and Stripes Democratic Club to rally for Gounardes and witness a rare Southern Brooklyn appearance from Cuomo. The Bay Ridge native is facing longtime Republican State Sen. Marty Golden in a race that could upend the Republican majority in the New York State Senate.
Following a quick opener from Assemblyman Peter Abbate, the governor briefly spoke to his Brooklyn roots and then quickly pivoted to the senate race.
“History is going to repeat itself and we’re going to take the last Republican senator out of Brooklyn in the election,” he said.
For the next 14 minutes, Cuomo touched mainly on national issues, denouncing President Trump’s policies, Republicans and the Kavanaugh appointment–taking a break from the federal onslaught to make a state connection before continuing on with his campaign speech.
“We have to elect a Democratic Senate in Albany because when they pass these crazy Washington laws, the only protection we’re going to have is if we pass a state law that thwarts the federal law,” he said.
The New York State Senate maintains 63 seats. Democrats hold 32 with one member — Simcha Felder of the 17th senatorial district — caucusing with Republicans, realistically giving the GOP the Senate majority.
During his 15-year Senate run, the favored Republican went unchallenged for several election cycles. This year, Golden’s seat became increasingly vulnerable after the senator came under fire following a reckless auto incident and the debate around speed cameras. While Golden backtracked on his speed camera position, rumors of Dems targeting the Southern Brooklyn Senate seat have since grown.
“I need Senator Gounardes in Albany,” Cuomo said. “I need him. He is smart. He gets it. He works hard. He knows the district. He will represent you and you will come first if we do what we have to do.
“Senator Gounardes is going to be in Albany in January and we are going to start to take this country back,” Cuomo said again positioning the state win as a national gain.
Gounardes took the stage around 16 minutes into the 22-minute event, drawing the conversation back to Southern Brooklyn with some quick jabs at Trump and Golden’s driving and speed camera record.
“Marty Golden and the Senate Republicans have declared war on working people and middle-class families here in our neighborhood,” he said.