Councilman Nelson To Drivers: Don’t Block The Box


We just received this press release from Councilman Nelson’s office. Read it, and see if you have the same concern I do.

(City Hall) – Council Member Michael C. Nelson proudly announces the installation of “Keep Intersection Clear” signs at Voorhies Avenue and East 18th Street. Councilman Nelson requested the installation of the signs on behalf of his constituents who had expressed the burden that many drivers endure when attempting to make a left or right turn from East 18th Street onto Voorhies Avenue. Having also personally been stuck in traffic in this area, Councilman Nelson immediately contacted the Department of Transportation to investigate this location.
Due to the busy Voorhies Avenue and Sheepshead Bay Road intersection, a constant backup of traffic forms heading westbound on Voorhies Avenue towards Sheepshead Bay Road. Due to the backup, vehicles regularly block the intersection of Voorhies Avenue and East 18th Street thereby creating a traffic situation in which vehicles attempting to make a left or right turn onto Voorhies Avenue from East 18th Street are unable to do so. Furthermore, this creates a significant problem for pedestrians, many of whom are seniors and children from nearby schools and senior centers, attempting to cross the street in this area.
“I believe the placement of ‘Keep Intersection Clear’ signs at this intersection will be an effective way to deter drivers from ‘blocking the box’ as well as enable pedestrians to safely and easily cross the street,” said Councilman Nelson. “Furthermore, I would like to thank the Department of Transportation for their diligent study of this matter and quickly approving the request. It is well known that the Sheepshead Bay Road area is a tough one for drivers to navigate through but little improvements such as this sign can greatly improve driving conditions.”

Now, I don’t mean to knock the Councilman and all the hard work he does, but I’m extremely perturbed by this line, “Having also personally been stuck in traffic in this area, Councilman Nelson immediately contacted the Department of Transportation to investigate this location.”

I hear complaints every day from residents about signs, lights, lines, holes, poles, cracks and curbs that people want added, removed, enlarged, shrunk down, relocated or otherwise altered. Many of the complaints are legitimate, and despite calls to the city and local leaders it goes un-addressed for years. But on this one, “having also personally been stuck in traffic in this area,” with his office just two blocks away, Nelson got right on it.

Again, I’m not trying to knock the councilman. But one can marvel at the privileges of power, no?