Councilman Kalman Yeger and Boro Park JCC Distribute 150 tons of food to needy families for Passover

BOROUGH PARK – This Friday is the beginning of Passover (Pesach), and Borough Park community leaders and elected officials distributed Passover packages to over 1,000 needy families last Thursday. “The Pesach Seder is the most important family gathering of the year and an essential part of Jewish life,” said Council Member Kalman Yeger. “I’m so proud of how our community comes together to help make Pesach a bit easier for those in need.”
New Utrecht Avenue distribution center was busy all afternoon, Yeger helping out hauling sacks of potatoes and cases of Kedem grape juice to families. He was joined by volunteers from the Boro Park Shomrim (the private security force that patrols Borough Park alongside NYPD).
David G. Greenfield, who until recently represented Yeger’s District, and who is now the C.E.O. of Met Council on Jewish Poverty stressed the importance of this distribution:
“The sad reality is that so many families who ‘make it’ during the year struggle before Pesach because of the high cost of Kosher food. That’s why what we’re doing with the Boro Park JCC is so vital. We are partnering together to make sure that no family gets left behind this Pesach. It’s really our privilege to provide more food than ever before for this Pesach distribution,” Greenfield said.
“Pesach is about coming together to celebrate our freedom, our heritage, our values,” Yeger said. “At the Seder, we recite ‘Kol Dichpin Yaisai V’Yaichol’ (‘All who are hungry, come and eat’). We invite our community’s hungry to join us. Hopefully, with this year’s Pesach packages, fewer of our community will go hungry this Pesach.”