Councilman Greenfield Wants To Ban Use of “Mentally Retarded” Phrase In City Government

Councilman David G. Greenfield

Councilman David G. Greenfield took to the steps of City Hall yesterday to announce his opposition of the phrase “mentally retarded” in city documents, a designation which he and other mental health officials consider outdated and offensive according to a press release.

After his press conference on the steps of City Hall, Greenfield is set to officially introduce legislation to the City Council which would end the use of the phrase, following in the steps of the state and federal government, which has already adopted the change.

Greenfield was joined by mental health and special education advocacy group leaders including National Down Syndrome Society Goodwill Ambassador Chris Burke. You might remember Chris Burke from his role Corky Thatcher from the ABC show Life Goes On.

Greenfield was also joined by Otsar, Quality Services for the Autism Community, Self-Advocacy Association of NYS, United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, Brooklyn Developmental Disabilities Council, OHEL, Center for the Independence of the Disabled in New York City and AHRC New York City.

Additionally, Greenfield is a cosponsor of a resolution looking to change the currently named “City Council’s Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services” to the “Committee on Mental Health, Developmental Disability, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services.”